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Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Instruments

Objective: The transmission of pathogens from one patient to another via contaminated devices has been a high profile issue in infection control. Although single-use devices have been promoted as a preventative strategy, resterilization of instruments has been a common practice in dentistry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of bacterial contamination of instruments resterilized for use in oral and maxillofacial procedures in a hospital-based clinic.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Instruments

Methods: The experiment was a prospective randomized controlled study. The test group consisted of burs that had been used in surgical procedures. These burs were grossly debrided before being cleaned and gas sterilized in the central sterilizing department of the hospital. The burs were transferred in a sterile fashion into a culture medium selected to grow oral bacteria. The control group comprised new unused instruments treated in an identical fashion before culturing. All burs were incubated and monitored daily for 72 h.

Millions of surgeons throughout the world use and rely on them: the high-quality instruments by KLS Martin that set standards in surgery and dental surgery. More than 16,000 surgical instruments are developed and manufactured in compliance with stringent quality specifications, from the selection of corrosion-resistant chrome steels through manufacture and heat treatment to finishing and final inspection. Our products meet the claim for user-oriented functionality, intelligent handling and high quality.

Secure and lasting wound closure is an essential factor for successful interventions in augmentation surgery. The success of the therapy greatly depends on the design and mobilization of the flap covering the wound as well as the precise microsurgical wound margin adaptation, while maintaining the blood supply. With a range of high-quality microinstruments, the micro-flap management set provides the optimum prerequisite for accurate and successful soft tissue management.

If one keeps examining a surgical technique in detail over and over again and explicitly questions and improves the instruments used, this eventually results in perfect instruments. The Ochsenbein chisel is a good example in hand: its working end is extremely fine and kept sharp at the same time. Depending on the extraction site, the chisel is available bent downwards or upwards. The millimeter scaling allows reliable orientation in the extraction of cortical bone grafts in oral sites.

Medicta Instruments offer wide range of maxillofacial surgery instruments including other instruments such as ENT, Plastic Surgery instruments etc. We have the top most quality of maxillofacial surgery instruments for you.

The general dentist is trained in basic surgical procedures, and many perform single tooth extractions within their practice. For more complicated procedures, dentists will refer their patient to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is one of the leading journals in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the world. The Journal publishes papers of the highest scientific merit and widest possible scope on work in oral and maxillofacial surgery and supporting specialties.

The Journal is divided into sections, ensuring every aspect of oral and maxillofacial surgery is covered fully through a range of invited review articles, leading clinical and research articles, technical notes, abstracts, case reports and others. The sections include:

If you are referring a patient to St. Louis County Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for oral and maxillofacial surgery in St. Louis, St. Peters, and Chesterfield, Missouri, we ask that you please download and complete our referral form. Please then have your patient bring the completed form to our office at the time of their appointment with Dr. Richard Weber, Dr. Timothy Weber, Dr. Brent Kincaid, and Dr. Brad Carn.

At Ayoub Dental, we employ a wide range of surgical instruments to perform a versatile range of dental procedures. The surgical instruments that we use are all high-end and help in easily and successfully manipulating, restoring and removing the structures present in the oral cavity. Our dental instruments include:

Particularly well known are the Medicon ImplantArt Osteosynthesis systems for plating in oral and maxillofacial surgery, the MediExpand cervical implant system for treatment of the cervical spine, and the Epiplatingsystem for epithesis treatment.

Miniaturized instruments for minimally invasive approaches in spine surgery make it possible to combine the use of known surgical techniques with the benefits of minimally invasive surgery (e.g. spinal blocker Piccolino, rhinoplasty products (FDC-trocar)).

To ensure performance in the OR, Medicon offers a carefully selected range of standard surgical instruments.The field-oriented scope of basic instruments for general surgery is supplemented by detailed standard programs with model variations pragmatically adapted to areas of application for

Improved survival of osteocytes: Bone harvested with various techniques, including rotary instruments, chisels, rongeurs, and a piezosurgery device, was studied with histomorphometry evaluation by Berengo et al. The piezosurgery device was shown to be one of the best methods of harvesting bone along with gouge chisels, back action chisels, and rongeurs in terms of the viability of the harvested bone and number of osteocytes. Bone harvested with rotary instruments, including burs and safe scrapers, was noted to be completely nonvital with an absence of osteocytes. In another histomorphological study done with the placement of porous titanium implants in minipig tibias, neo-osteogenesis was noted to be consistently more active in bony samples from implant sites that were prepared using piezoelectric surgery, and there was an earlier increase in BMP-4 and TGF-2 proteins and fewer proinflammatory cytokines in bone around the implants [5, 11].

Ridge-splitting techniques for alveolar augmentation is indicated when there is adequate height of bone for implant placement but inadequate ridge thickness. The conventional ridge-splitting procedure uses chisels, rotary instruments, or saws, all of which have a high risk for damage to soft tissue, undesired propagation of the osteotomy and bone fracture, as well as prolonging treatment time due to the need for second-stage surgery to place the implants. (Fig. 40.3a, b) With use of piezosurgery, one can decrease the chance of the damage to adjacent structures during the osteotomy as well as reduce the risk of bone thermonecrosis, while simultaneously providing better control of propagation of the ridge split osteotomy. Although ridge splitting was traditionally used in the maxillary arch, piezoelectric bone surgery allows ridge expansion even in highly mineralized tissues like the mandible with ease [21, 22]. Blus et al. conducted a study on ridge splitting for more than 200 implants placed in 57 patients and reported 96.5% success rate with a 36-month follow up [23].

For example, piezosurgery is commonly used to harvest mandibular ramus block grafts. This requires use of two types of piezosurgery inserts. One is the standard saw-shaped right angle insert, which is used in an area, which can be viewed directly to make the depth cut and vertical cuts, while a second, dual-angled, insert is used specifically to make the inferior horizontal bone cut. In bone graft harvesting, piezosurgery allows better visibility, precise cuts, and good adaptation of the grafts along with better survival of bone cells. In a study by Happe in 2007 on 40 patients, bone grafts harvested from the mandibular ramus by piezosurgery resulted in 93% uneventfully healed donor sites and 96% uneventfully healed graft sites [26]. There was also minimal resorption of the graft. Shaping of block grafts can be better controlled with piezosurgery, although this can take longer than rotary instruments. In microvascular free bone flaps harvested with piezosurgery, the surgeon can decrease the chance of injury to the vascular bundle along the surface of bone. With the use of piezoelectric surgery, the clinician can cautiously osteotomize the fibula or other bone without any periosteal/pedicle dissection. In addition, the piezoelectric method also allows shaping and handling the pedicle while it is still attached to the donor site.

Piezosurgery is a promising surgical tool for safe and effective use in various surgeries. For an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, piezosurgery allows safer and effective osteotomy or osteoplasty compared to conventional rotating instruments such as burs and saw blades, even in complex anatomical areas. Over the past decade, it has not only been increasingly used in OMFS but has been adapted for use in neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and otorhinolaryngology. In addition to the surgical advantages, it helps the patient by reducing procedural stress, postoperative swelling, pain and overall improves the surgical experience. The major drawback of piezosurgery is the lack of efficiency or cutting speed, which can be balanced by improved clinical outcomes. Future generations of ultrasonic devices may bring about better efficiency and ultimately replace all conventional cutting tools.

Piezosurgery is an innovative technique widely used for osteotomies in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The surgical technique has been clinically supposed to cut mineralized bone selectively with reducing the risk of damage to adjacent soft tissues. However, none of the previous literature has reported any evidence of scientific experiments to examine performance of the piezoelectric device, i.e. the time required for cutting bone and the effect on soft tissues under the standardized conditions. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that cutting time of the piezoelectric device is longer than that of rotary instruments while the cut surface of bone is smoother and soft tissues are less damaged with piezosurgery under the standardized experimental system. We measured the time for cutting bone and soft tissues of rats with the piezoelectric device and rotary instruments. Damage to soft tissues was examined histologically, and the cut surface of bone was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Our study demonstrated experimentally that piezosurgery provides a smooth cut bony surface with no damage to soft tissues and takes longer time to cut bone than conventional drillings. We propose that piezosurgery is beneficial for medical safety and usability. 041b061a72


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