\beginverbatim cubaseelicenseractivationcodekeygen.exe --port= --serial= --password= --activationcode= --outfile= --list= --qt= --strict= \endverbatim \endpre \begindescription \item[--port=] the port where the cubase server is running (default=44100) \item[--serial=] the serial number of the cubase server. (default=None) \item[--password=] the password for the admin user if available. (default=None) \item[--activationcode=] the ActivationCode of the cubase server \item[--outfile=] the output file (default=None) \item[--list=] lists the keys \item[--qt=] display the currently active user's configuration Usage:
eginverbatim cubaseelicenseractivationcodekeygen.exe --port= --serial= --password= --activationcode= --outfile= --list= --qt= --strict= ndverbatim ndpre eginquote eginverbatim cubaseelicenseractivationcodekeygen.exe --port= --serial= --password= --activationcode= --outfile= --list= --qt= --strict= ndverbatim ndquote Initiates a python application on the command line. The source code is listed in the file.
cubaseelicenseractivationcodekeygen generates an activation key for the Cubase ELink Server, which can be used on a ELink Server to remotely activate a Cubase Studio or ELink 8.0 audio file or sequence. The activation key is 16-bit hexadecimal, and the maximum length is 64 characters. The generated key is also stored in a text file.
When generate is set to true, a key file is automatically generated with the name "cubaseelicenseractivationcodekeygen_[now]", where [now] is a number representing the current time. The file is saved in the folder "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javapath\javaw.exe".