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Subtitle Catch Me If You Can

The study with the concise title "Catch me if you can", whose preface starts with the crisp statement "the retail sector booms!" was just launched in March 2017. In the subtitle, it promises to show how the brick&mortar retail can catch its customers. Of course, we could not miss this and therefore a short report.

subtitle Catch Me If You Can

You can use the Kripto Video Protector & Media Player to watch music videos with subtitles, listen audio music files with Synchronized Lyrics (.LRC) or with Subtitle (.SRT) file. You can also get subtitles for your movies or TV series automatically with the application.

Have a look at the TV guide on SkyQ. According to this NO news programmes, Sky or BBC have the subtitle symbol but are broadcasting subtitles. Sky sports news (401) has subtitle symbol, and showing them. Sky sports news(409) has no Subtitle symbol, but is showing them.

Hi @AnonymousApologies I think your original subtitles query got lost in the subsequent AD conversation For content on Sky's own channels, we have subtitles on over 90% of programmes, including on demand and catch up. We're aware we do still have gaps though, in particular in regards to UHD and Sky Store, but I can assure you we are working on these.However my intention isn't to minimise your query, so if there are any specific Sky channels or shows that you were unhappy to see missing subtitles, please do let me know and I can at least ask the question.Our platform does also allow for our third party broadcast partners to supply subtitles, though while we work with them and want to see as many shows as possible covered, we ultimately don't have control over the amount of content they provide.Just over a year ago, we added subtitles to on demand content on Sky Go, and a couple of months ago, live content was added too. It's only Channel 4 content that's not yet working on Sky Go for background technical reasons, but we are working with them. So our subtitles offering is getting better all the time.Also interested to read your point about the S symbol not being in the guide, and again in your most recent post. We will look into those examples. We generally provide whatever meta data the broadcaster gives us, and should also of course provide the S on any of our own channels where subtitles are available, so any examples where this isn't right we're happy to look into it.Many thanks,Dave

Some of your third party partners who use your platform really do need to make more of an effort. I have emailed most of them over the lack of subtitles particularly on catch up etc. Their first reaction is to blame Sky. Alibi and Drama channels in particular were 2 of these. As I am in contact with the RNID I was able to point out that it was their responsibility not Skys' to offer subtitles.

I seem to remember the lack of subtitles was first raised in autumn 2020 and we were told there was likely to be an update on the matter in early 2021. A year later I don't think there has been any update.

However, this sophistication does not extend to the close-captions (subtitles for the hard of hearing). Since the clones are illegal dubs of promotional copies, there are no close-captions to copy. This gap has been filled by enterprising Asian cloners who have started inserting their own subtitles. One Chinese outfit hires university graduates to watch the films and type in subtitles. These efforts have often resulted in hilarious and unintentionally subversive results. The Sean Connery blockbuster "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LXG)" provides a case in point.

The film is an adaptation of an Alan Moore graphic novel, which focuses on a "superhero" team of fictional heroes, brought together to fight an evil genius. The team includes Allan Quatermain (H Rider Haggard's swashbuckling hero), Captain Nemo (Jules Verne), Mina Harker (Bram Stoker's "Dracula"), Invisible Man (HG Wells), Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) and all-American Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain). The initial meetings of our intrepid heroes prove to be incredibly distracting. The spoken dialogue tells one story-- the closed-caption subtitles provide a completely different, and often more interesting, subtext.

The errors in subtitles start off as banal mistakes. A drunken sot's remark to a visitor, "And I suppose you're another traveler, got it in your head to sample the dark continent" becomes the reverse: "And I suppose you aren't a traveler. Got it into your head to stuff from the dark continent." Dire predictions of an unstable world, "Baying for blood, it's a powder keg." changes to "Being for blood, it's a powder cake." The Invisible Man's jest, "I'm feeling a bit of draft in my nether regions" becomes, "I'm feeling a bit of drafted another agents." Individual phrases also provide a challenge: "Thief" changes to "faith", "boon" to "bone," "sick note" to "sick knot," "as patriotic" to "the speech" and "prerogative" to "perlocutive."

Some sense can still be made of the subtitles, until utterly nonsensical constructions start to appear. "There is great unrest, countries set at each other's throats" mutates to "That's glad on rest, countries set each other throat." "These attacks have every nation clamoring for the very weapons that assail them" changes to "And he attached every nations claiming very weapons to the sierra." Sean Connery's guttural growl after a fight, "Wasn't there another one of these buggers?" becomes "You guys sent another this baggage?" Strangest of all, Quatermain's boast, "I don't know whether to regale with how I found King Solomon's mines," becomes "I know how to regret you with how I found to kick soloman's mind." Of course, "kick" might actually be appropriate, given the racism in old adventure tales.

Sometimes, the Asian subtitle creators look at the action and make a judgment call about what the word may have been. Cultural references are invariably botched in this process. Sean Connery demands his gun by yelling, "Bruce, Matilda!" Here, Matilda is the name of his gun-- but this makes no sense to the subtitle-maker, so he changes it to "Bruce, wait for my order." When Connery is congratulated for making good time to London, he grumbles, "Not as good as Phineas Fogg." This "Around The World In 80 Days" plug goes over the transcribers' head, who guesses it must be a commentary on the awful English weather we see on-screen. The subtitle then appears: "Not as good as full as fog." Captain Nemo's assistant is a "Moby Dick" character who says, "Call me Ishmael." Baffled by this, the subtitle-writer cleverly notes the colour of the speaker (he's white), and substitutes the phrase, "Tommy Ishmael." During a shoot-out, Connery yells, "Automatic Rifles! Who in God's name has automatic rifles?" His companion replies, "That's unsporting, probably Belgium." This mutates into, "That's unspotting, how embarrassing."

To give readers a taste of the total viewing experience, I include below a portion of dialogue. The erroneous subtitle appears under each line. In this scene, Allan Quatarmain (Connery) is crossing swords with Mina Harker, in a replay of the battle of sexes.

For the semioticians, there are layers of double meaning that can be read into the errors. Some errors may be deliberate, thrown in as sly double-entendre and commentary. The vampire Mina Harker is asked if her husband is sick and she replies, "Sick would be a mild understatement," which promptly appears on screen as "Sick would be mild and stagnant." When a campy, overdressed Naseeruddin Shah first appears (as Nemo), Sean Connery gruffly says, "Rumor has it that you're a pirate." The subtitle changes this to "When we had the joke of Pirates." Finally, a visitor's announcement, "I'm a representative of Her Majesty's British Government" is promptly changed to "I'm the representative of His Majesty of the British Government." Here, the DVD-copier is defiantly changing genders of Queen Victoria's fiercely matriarchal rule. 041b061a72


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