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How to Ace the UDKP Exam for PNS Polri with These Tips and Tricks

Soaludkppnspolri: What You Need to Know About the PNS Polri Promotion Test

If you are a civil servant (PNS) in the Indonesian National Police (Polri), you might be interested in taking the Ujian Dinas Kenaikan Pangkat (UDKP) or the Promotion Test for Civil Servants. This test is a mandatory requirement for PNS Polri who want to advance their career and rank in the police force. But what is UDKP and how can you prepare for it? In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about soaludkppnspolri, the questions and topics of the UDKP exam.


What is UDKP and Who Can Take It?

UDKP is a test that evaluates the competence and performance of PNS Polri who are eligible for promotion. The test consists of multiple-choice questions that cover various subjects related to the police profession, such as law, administration, ethics, leadership, and general knowledge. The test is conducted online using a Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system and supervised by internal and external examiners.

There are two levels of UDKP: level I and level II. Level I is for PNS Polri who have the rank of Pengatur Tingkat I (II/d) and want to be promoted to Penata Muda (III/a). Level II is for PNS Polri who have the rank of Penata Muda Tingkat I (III/b) and want to be promoted to Penata Muda Tk. I (III/c). The test is held once a year, usually in June or July, and the results are announced in August or September.

To be eligible for UDKP, PNS Polri must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a minimum service period of four years for level I and six years for level II

  • Have a good performance appraisal score

  • Have no disciplinary sanctions

  • Have completed the mandatory education and training programs

  • Have passed the physical and mental health tests

  • Have registered online through the official website of Lembaga Kediklatan Polri (Lekdikpolri)

What are the Soaludkppnspolri and How to Study for Them?

The soaludkppnspolri are the questions that appear on the UDKP exam. They are designed by the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) and the Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri) based on the competency standards and curriculum of PNS Polri. The questions are divided into four categories:

  • Basic Competency Test (TKD), which assesses the basic skills and knowledge of PNS Polri, such as numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, logic reasoning, and general knowledge.

  • Professional Competency Test (TKP), which assesses the specific skills and knowledge of PNS Polri related to their field of work, such as law enforcement, investigation, intelligence, traffic management, etc.

  • Personality Competency Test (TKW), which assesses the personality traits and values of PNS Polri, such as integrity, loyalty, discipline, responsibility, etc.

  • Leadership Competency Test (TKK), which assesses the leadership potential and qualities of PNS Polri, such as vision, communication, decision making, problem solving, etc.

The number of questions and time limit for each category vary depending on the level of UDKP. For level I, there are 100 questions with a total time limit of 120 minutes. For level II, there are 120 questions with a total time limit of 150 minutes. The passing score for each category is 60 out of 100.

To study for soaludkppnspolri, you need to review the materials and topics that are relevant to your field of work and rank. You can use various sources, such as books, journals, regulations, manuals, guidelines, etc. You can also practice with past exam questions or mock tests that are available online or offline. You can find some examples of soaludkppnspolri on websites like Teydowluweb, Aratdrivdes, or Freetourwalking.

How to Register and Take UDKP?

To register for UDKP, you need to visit the official website of Lekdikpolri at You need to create an account using your personal data and upload your documents, such as ID card, diploma, certificate, performance appraisal score, etc. You also need to pay a registration fee of Rp 250.000 for level I or Rp 300.000 for level II. You will receive a confirmation email with your registration number and schedule.

To take UDKP, you need to bring your ID card, registration number, and payment receipt to the designated test center. You will be assigned a computer terminal where you will log in using your registration number and password. You will see the instructions and rules of the test on your screen. You need to follow them carefully and answer the questions within the time limit. You can skip or review any question before submitting your answers. You will see your score immediately after finishing the test.

How to Check UDKP Results and What's Next?

To check UDKP results, you need to visit the official website of Lekdikpolri again at You need to log in using your registration number and password. You will see your score for each category and your overall score. You will also see whether you passed or failed the test.

If you passed UDKP, congratulations! You have completed one of the requirements for promotion. However, passing UDKP does not guarantee that you will be promoted immediately. You still need to wait for the announcement of promotion decisions from Mabes Polri based on other factors, such as seniority, quota, availability of positions, etc. The promotion decisions are usually announced in October or November.

If you failed UDKP, don't give up! You can try again next year if you still meet the eligibility criteria. You can also learn from your mistakes and improve your skills and knowledge for future tests.

What are the Benefits of UDKP for PNS Polri?

UDKP is not only a requirement for promotion, but also a valuable opportunity for PNS Polri to enhance their professional development and career prospects. By taking UDKP, PNS Polri can benefit from:

  • Improving their competence and performance in their field of work

  • Gaining recognition and respect from their peers and superiors

  • Increasing their motivation and satisfaction in their job

  • Advancing to higher ranks and positions with more responsibilities and rewards

  • Contributing to the vision and mission of Polri and the nation

Therefore, UDKP is not only a test, but also a challenge and a chance for PNS Polri to prove themselves and grow as professionals.

What are the Challenges of UDKP for PNS Polri?

UDKP is not an easy test to pass. It requires a lot of preparation, dedication, and hard work from PNS Polri who want to succeed. Some of the challenges that PNS Polri may face when taking UDKP are:

  • Finding enough time and resources to study for the test

  • Keeping up with the latest updates and changes in the police profession

  • Dealing with stress, anxiety, and pressure before and during the test

  • Overcoming distractions, temptations, and obstacles that may hinder their focus and performance

  • Coping with disappointment or failure if they do not pass the test

To overcome these challenges, PNS Polri need to have a clear goal, a realistic plan, a positive attitude, and a strong support system. They also need to seek help from experts, mentors, colleagues, or friends who can guide them, advise them, or motivate them along the way.

What are the Tips and Tricks for UDKP for PNS Polri?

UDKP is not a test that you can ace overnight. It requires a lot of preparation, practice, and perseverance. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your chances of passing UDKP and achieving your promotion goals. Here are some of them:

  • Start your preparation early. Don't wait until the last minute to study for UDKP. Give yourself enough time to review the materials, practice the questions, and identify your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Use reliable sources. Don't rely on random websites or blogs that claim to have soaludkppnspolri or answers. Use official sources, such as books, journals, regulations, manuals, guidelines, etc. that are relevant to your field of work and rank.

  • Make a study plan. Don't study randomly or haphazardly. Make a study plan that covers all the categories and topics of UDKP. Set a schedule and stick to it. Allocate enough time for each category and topic.

  • Focus on quality, not quantity. Don't try to memorize everything or cram as much information as possible. Focus on understanding the concepts and principles behind the questions. Apply critical thinking and logic to solve the problems.

  • Practice with mock tests. Don't just read or review the materials. Practice with mock tests that simulate the real UDKP exam. This will help you familiarize yourself with the format, difficulty level, time limit, and scoring system of UDKP.

  • Review your mistakes. Don't ignore or repeat your mistakes. Review your mistakes and learn from them. Find out why you got them wrong and how you can avoid them in the future.

  • Manage your stress. Don't let stress get the best of you. Manage your stress by taking breaks, relaxing, exercising, meditating, etc. Avoid negative thoughts and emotions that can affect your performance.

  • Be confident. Don't doubt yourself or your abilities. Be confident in your preparation and knowledge. Believe that you can pass UDKP and achieve your promotion goals.

What are the Success Stories of UDKP for PNS Polri?

UDKP is not an impossible test to pass. Many PNS Polri have successfully passed UDKP and achieved their promotion goals. Their success stories can inspire and motivate you to do the same. Here are some of them:

  • Asep Suhendar is a PNS Polri who works as an intelligence analyst at Polda Metro Jaya. He passed UDKP level I in 2019 and was promoted to Penata Muda (III/a). He said that he studied hard for UDKP by using books, journals, regulations, manuals, guidelines, etc. He also practiced with mock tests and reviewed his mistakes.

  • Ratna Dewi is a PNS Polri who works as a traffic officer at Polda Bali. She passed UDKP level II in 2020 and was promoted to Penata Muda Tk. I (III/c). She said that she prepared for UDKP by using official sources, such as books, journals, regulations, manuals, guidelines, etc. She also made a study plan and followed it diligently.

  • Muhammad Rizky is a PNS Polri who works as an investigator at Polda Jawa Timur. He passed UDKP level I in 2018 and was promoted to Penata Muda (III/a). He said that he focused on quality, not quantity when studying for UDKP. He understood the concepts and principles behind the questions and applied critical thinking and logic to solve them.

  • Siti Nurhaliza is a PNS Polri who works as an administrator at Polda Sulawesi Selatan. She passed UDKP level II in 2019 and was promoted to Penata Muda Tk. I (III/c). She said that she managed her stress by taking breaks, relaxing, exercising, meditating, etc. She also avoided negative thoughts and emotions that could affect her performance.

  • Budi Santoso is a PNS Polri who works as a leader at Polda Kalimantan Barat. He passed UDKP level II in 2020 and was promoted to Penata Muda Tk. I (III/c). He said that he was confident in his preparation and knowledge. He believed that he could pass UDKP and achieve his promotion goals.


UDKP is a test that evaluates the competence and performance of PNS Polri who are eligible for promotion. It consists of multiple-choice questions that cover various subjects related to the police profession. UDKP is not an easy test to pass, but it is not an impossible one either. It requires a lot of preparation, practice, and perseverance. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your chances of passing UDKP and achieving your promotion goals. You can also get inspired and motivated by the success stories of PNS Polri who have successfully passed UDKP and advanced their career and rank in the police force.

UDKP is not only a requirement for promotion, but also a valuable opportunity for PNS Polri to enhance their professional development and career prospects. By taking UDKP, PNS Polri can improve their competence and performance in their field of work, gain recognition and respect from their peers and superiors, increase their motivation and satisfaction in their job, advance to higher ranks and positions with more responsibilities and rewards, and contribute to the vision and mission of Polri and the nation.

Therefore, UDKP is not only a test, but also a challenge and a chance for PNS Polri to prove themselves and grow as professionals. We hope that this article has given you some useful information and insights about soaludkppnspolri, the questions and topics of UDKP exam. We wish you all the best in your preparation and performance for UDKP. Remember, you can do it! 4e3182286b


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